![]() Journal of Exercise Physiologyonline
ISSN 1097-9751
American Society of Exercise Physiologists
Vol 15 No 1 February
Lindberg, A-S, Malm, C, Hammarström, D, Tonkonogi, M. Maximal Work Capacity and Performance in Cold
and Warm Environmental and Inspired Air Temperatures. JEPonline 2012;15(1):26-39. Word
/ pdf
Sitta MC, De Souza RR, Costa JBV, Santarem Sobrinho JM, Jacob Filho W. Different BMD after Running or Strength Exercise in Growing Rats. JEPonline 2012;15(1):40-46. Word / pdf Driller M, Williams A, Howe S, Bellinger P, Fell J. The Effects of NaHCO3 and NaCl Loading on Hematocrit and High-Intensity Cycling Performance. JEPonline 2012:15(1):47-56. Word / pdf Fisher J, Steele J. Is Truth in Authority or Authority in Truth? Limitations to the Publication of Scientific Research. JEPonline 2012;15(1):57-64. Word / pdf Hill JA, O’Riordan MA, Bansal M, Fiutem J, Zahka K. Normal QT Response During Exercise Testing and Hyperventilation in Children. JEPonline 2012;15(1):65-75. Word / pdf Asano RY, Sales MM, Coelho JMO, Moraes JFVN, Pereira LA, Simões HG. Exercise, Nitric Oxide, and Endothelial Dysfunction: A Brief Review. JEPonline 2012;15(1):76-86. Word / pdf Souza RAC, Nascimento RL, Souza JA, Almeida CMM, Silva AAS, Carvalho FO, Moraes JFVN, Moreira SR. Post-Exercise Hypotension Attenuates the Effect of Waist on Vascular Reactivity in Adults of Both Sexes. JEPonline 2012;15(1):87-97. Word / pdf Sales MM, Russo P, Moreira SR, Santana HAP, Moraes JFVN, Asano RY, Motta DF, Dullius J, Simões HG, Campbell CSG. Resistance Exercise Elicits Acute Blood Pressure Reduction in Type 2 Diabetics. JEPonline 2012;15(1):98-109. Word / pdf Traylor DA, Housh TJ, Camic CL, Zuniga JM, Bergstrom HC, Johnson GO, Schmidt RJ, Lewis RW. The Effects of Short-Term Isokinetic Resistance Training on Isometric and Concentric Torque of the Forearm Flexors in Females. JEPonline 2012;12(6):110-116. Word / pdf Copyright
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