
ASEP represents the profession of Exercise Physiology in the United States and internationally. ASEP is a non-profit corporation under IRS Section 501(c)(3) and designated as a 509(a)(2) Public Charity. Any payments you make to ASEP are tax deductible and therefore non-refundable.

ASEP Tax ID# is 41-1897258.

ASEP offers annual membership for students, professionals, affiliate partners and academic programs. Annual renewal is required to sustain access to benefits and endorsement by the American Society of Exercise Physiologists. Update and renew your membership annually!

EP Finder

Are you looking for an Exercise Physiologist near you?  The EP Finder will list our member Exercise Physiologists in your search area...just click the button to get started with your search.

Are you an Exercise Physiologist who wants to be found by clients in your area? Join ASEP as a member so you'll be listed in the EP Finder tool.

Find an EP

Online EPC Exam

The Exercise Physiologist Certified (EPC) board exam is available to ASEP members who have submitted transcripts and received eligibility.  More information about the educational requirements, transcript submission and online examination are provided under the EPC ONLINE tab above.

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Affiliate Partners

EPC Online Study Text

Introduction to Exercise Physiology, identifies the key scientific content that is critically important to the successful practice of exercise physiology. Introduction to Exercise Physiology is endorsed by The American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP). The text is designed to help individuals learn the necessary physiologic, electrocardiographic, biomechanic, and anatomic concepts pertinent to prepare for and pass the ASEP Board Certification exam. Click this link to order your copy:

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National Conference

Please plan to join us for the 2022 ASEP National Conference on April 22nd, 2022. We will have a hybrid seminar this year.  You may choose to attend remotely or in person at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Tx.

Those attending in person will receive a reduced rate on the registration cost. Student presentations will be in Poster format while Professional presentations will have the choice of either Poster or Power Point Presentations.  All presentations, whether in person or virtual, will utilize Zoom for all attendees. 

You must be registered to present.

All attendee registrations must be received before Wednesday, April 20th at midnight.  Registered attendees will receive Zoom email invites on Thursday, April 21st for the Friday Virtual Conference.

Register To Attend

Job Postings

Director, School of Kinesiology, UBC


To access the job postings, you must be an ASEP member and be logged in to to your member profile page.  Employers looking for EPC Board Certified Exercise Physiologists can post your job openings for FREE, just click here to learn more!

Become an
Accredited Program! 

There are currently more than 60 academic degree titles related to the exercise sciences in the United States. Any academic degree program that graduates Exercise Physiologists should become ASEP accredited for the benefit of the students, graduates and profession!  

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State ASEP

In 2016, ASEP worked with the Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, to correctly identify Exercise Physiologists as an occupational title. This was a major step in our efforts to legitimize our profession. Continuing efforts toward wider academic program accreditation and potential state licensure efforts require EPs in each state have a way to network and cooperate. If you'd like to join efforts in your state, click here to find your local point of contact or volunteer to serve!