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The Journal of Exercise Medicine online (ISSN 2378-4083) is published by the American Society of Exercise Physiologists. It is a professional peer reviewed Internet-based journal devoted to original review papers and research manuscripts in exercise medicine. The JEMonline journal is directed by the Editor-In-Chief with supporting editorial assistance via Associate Editors knowledgeable in the field of exercise physiology and exercise medicine in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases (such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, obesity, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, cancer, and depression) and disabilities. The Journal of Exercise Medicine online is the first electronic peer reviewed exercise medicine journal in the history of the profession. It is founded for the purpose of disseminating exercise medicine research and, thus to serve specifically the professional needs of exercise physiologists and ASEP Board Certified Exercise Physiologist. The Editor-In-Chief welcomes both empirical and theoretical articles.
Copyright ©2016-2018 American Society of Exercise Physiologists. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction or republication (in whole or in part) of any document or information found on this site for publication purposes or to otherwise take ownership is expressly prohibited, unless agreed to by the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Exercise Medicine online.
Current Issue
JEMonlineJUNE2024_Spirituality and Exercise Medicine.docx
Past Issues
JEMonlineAUGUST2023_Frank Wyatt_Pranav P. Bhanushali.doc
JEMonlineAUGUST2023_Exercise Medicine and ASEP Exercise Physiologists.docx
JEMonlineFEBRUARY_2023_Suicide by the Sedentary Lifestyle
JEMonlineAPRIL2022_Primary Care Physicians Should Hire Exercise Physiologists
JEMonlineDECEMBER2021_ASEP Board Certified Exercise Physiologists Can Help Adults Make the Right Exercise Choices
JEMonlineOCTOBER2021_Aging_Exercise Medicine_ASEP Board Certification
JEMonlineAUGUST2021_A Healthcare Partnership to Save Lives
June 2020 - The Underutilization of the Exercise Medicine Prescription
February 2020 - Exercise is Medicine Prescribed by Exercise Physiologists